The BTCD has a long history of Bull Terrier Rescue in Dallas, across Texas into Oklahoma and Louisiana. Our Club's local program is currently suspended, however volunteers are still needed to foster Rescue Dogs and help out in numerous ways, including transport of dogs from shelters to vet offices, visit prospective home sites, etc.
Please contact the BTCA Rescue Chairperson - Glenna Wright at 870-356-4722 or at - for information on dogs in the system or for other dogs available through other clubs. Glenna should also be contacted for local rescue Bull Terrier availability, owner surrender, foster oportunities and general information. Links to download forms for adoption and fostering are provided above.. Completing the application is mandatory and is the first step in beginning the adoption process. A lot of hard work goes into learning as much about the rescued dogs as possible during the three-week evaluation period and considerable time and effort in trying to understand what each applicant offers in the way of a stable, life-long home. The goal is to match the right dog with the right applicant every time.
Glenna Wright is the National Rescue Chair, you may reach her at 870-356-4722.
The National BTCA Hotline is 1-800-BTBT911 (1-800-282-8911)
If you would be willing to foster a BT, please contact Glenna Wright at

Bull Terriers are available for adoption through the BTCA. Please go to for more information.