Three BTCD Specialty Dog Shows              

*** Our Spring Shows will be   March 28, 29, and 30, 2025 ***      

Show Site:  Tri County Dog Training in Azle, TX  Hotel:  In Decatur, TX  see SPECIALTY SHOWS page.

Hot Dogs by Don on Friday; BBQ luncheon on Saturday along with a

  "COWBOY UP" award for the best Western attire!

Silent Auction and Raffle activities follow the Saturday Shows.

Check the SPECIALTY SHOWS tab above for the Premium List!

BUYER BEWARE-- Before you buy a Bull Terrier, please read the info in SO YOU WANT A PUPPY? tab above.  You risk purchasing a dog with problems - deafness, skin conditions, behavioral issues, poor breed standards!


The BTCD supports pure-bred Bull Terrier Rescue.  Please see the RESCUE tab above for all rescue guidance - adoption, fostering, emergency intake 


Breeder Referrals -- Please see MEET OUR BREEDERS tab above

Upcoming All Breed Dog Shows:   

FWKC  Mar. 22, 23, 2025   Fort Worth, Tx

KC of Greater Victoria  Apr. 3, 4, 2025  Rosenberg, Tx

Ft. Bend KC  Apr. 5, 6, 2025  Rosenberg, Tx


 October 29 - November 2, 2025

Silverwood is the BIG Bull Terrier Dog Show

SILVERWOOD LVI  Palm Springs, California

at the Riviera Resort & Spa

Next Club Meeting

Please see MEETINGS tab above for more details.

 The link to the  2025 Premium List is at the top of the SPECIALTY SHOWS page.  

 Info at a glance

Interested in joining our Club?  Click on ABOUT US above to learn about our group, and find the Membership Application!

 There will be a special basket to place   items and money donations for BTCA   Rescue at the Show site this MARCH!


Saturday, Feb. 22nd
